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Be Kind!

Today, Nancy would like to introduce you to a cause that is understandably close to her heart. Oh course, it includes animals.

Have you heard of Esther the Wonder Pig? She was the impetus behind the Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary in Campbellville, Ontario. While Esther has since passed, the movement she created was built on kindness, humor, and positivity as fundamental guiding principles. And yes, to remind you, we are talking about a full-sized commercial pig.

Steve Jenkins was one of the co-founders of the Sanctuary and someone who loved not only Esther, but the mindset she brought into his, and so many other people's lives. And Esther's legacy continues to live on in all he does.

"It is my goal to help others see the power of kindness and a smile when it comes to advocacy of all kinds. How creating opportunities to connect with people on a personal level can lead to positive change. And the importance of providing support and encouragement to everyone you meet."

So what does that matter? Why do we share any of this story today? Steve is currently working hard to re-establish a New sanctuary space. And Acme Animal has donated to the cause, as you can see in this video.  We love Steve's story, but more importantly, his mission to support #animalsanctuaries in Canada and around the world. His aim to be the best person he can be and to encourage others to do likewise is something we feel everyone should embrace. And perhaps this story might move you to donate to his cause, to bid on the #AcmeClock, or to just be a little nicer to someone today, because you can.

"Be the person who roots for others. Who tells a stranger they look amazing, and encourages others to believe in themselves and their dreams."

Follow your dreams!


For those looking to make a donation, here's the link to Operation Angels!


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